PS I am thinking about how to redesign the look of the blog since the way I originally formatted is no longer a workable way to use it. It will be a good project for the upcoming winter season that will keep me indoors because I have a malfunctioning internal thermostat and I like to avoid the plethora of germs that abound during what the medical profession likes to call "cold and flu season"... but, as usual, I digress ... On to the beginning of a story ...
Tully, short for Tulloch, was a traveling turtle on the coast of the fairy village of Sandalwood. Tully like his father before him and his father before him was a traveling turtle with the Turtles of Tacoma Travels or TTT. From the time his shell was big enough to carry a single fairy cottage Tully began to travel up and down the coast of Fairifield, one of the largest territories in what most humans referred to as an imaginary place of Once Upon A Timeland, alongside his father, Tullerver, in the beginning. The first cottage built on Tully's shell was small and red and only big enough to hold one normal size fairy or possibly two-pint sized fairies but those are very rare. As Tully grew so did his shell and the number of homes on his shell until he reached the maximum allowed, four, and two ladybugs. Tully had worked closely with the tiny home builders to ensure that he had a wide variety of vacation options for fairies looking to travel with him. His favorite was still the little red house that had been moved to his head. It was rented the most often by three (and a half) generations of female fairies. Because the home was so small they rarely ever stayed there together. What they did that Tully absolutely loved was to stay there one after the other and leave maps and scavenger hunt clues for the next one. They communicated that way for years with each other, sometimes asking Tully to take the next one on special excursions that no one else knew about.
To be continued ...